What Is Occupational Health and Safety?

Occupational health and safety refer to people’s well-being, which is directly related to the employees and the environment the employees work in. There are various ohs courses employers can do to meet the standards. The specific guidelines and rules have been legislated by the administration of (OSHA). The federal agencies and the state agencies are also involved in this standard making. Moreover, standards can be revised and added depending on the employees and the employers of the company. The main goal of occupational health and safety is to make sure that the employees are always working under safe circumstances.… Read more “What Is Occupational Health and Safety?”
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Spirulina: What Is it and How Does it Work?

Spirulina is made from cyanobacteria also known as blue-green algae that grow in alkaline waters in Africa, Central, and South America. Traditionally, it was harvested from flat sub-tropical to tropical waters with high salt content. In modern times, it is pumped through a centrifuge and dried in hot air or sunlight. The algae can be taken by both animals and human beings. When dried, it can be taken as powder or tablets. The powder is sprinkled on smoothies, yogurts, salads, or mixed with warm water. The plant has a lot of benefits to the body. Benefits of taking spirulina… Read more “Spirulina: What Is it and How Does it Work?”
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