Spirulina: What Is it and How Does it Work?

Spirulina is made from cyanobacteria also known as blue-green algae that grow in alkaline waters in Africa, Central, and South America. Traditionally, it was harvested from flat sub-tropical to tropical waters with high salt content. In modern times, it is pumped through a centrifuge and dried in hot air or sunlight.

The algae can be taken by both animals and human beings. When dried, it can be taken as powder or tablets. The powder is sprinkled on smoothies, yogurts, salads, or mixed with warm water. The plant has a lot of benefits to the body.

Benefits of taking spirulina

Has high nutrients

Magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, copper, and vitamins are present in the plant. When the benefits of each in the body are broken down, iron is important in the production of blood. Haemoglobin, a component of blood responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body is made from iron.

Manganese is responsible for the health and development of the brain, reproductive system, and brain. Potassium contains both negative and positive ions needed by receptors in the nervous system. Helps in reducing high blood pressure and assist in water retention in muscles.

Magnesium regulates biochemical reactions, muscles, and nerve functions. It is also responsible for energy production and controls glucose in the blood.

Has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties

Oxidation in the body can be harmful when there are excess free radicles in the body. The body produces the radicles during normal metabolic processes such as digestion and respiration. Antioxidant activities work towards reducing the radicles in the body.

The algae plant helps in the oxidation process in turn reducing chances of altering the DNA structure that could lead to the deformation of unborn babies.

This also reduces the development of cancer cells in the body that are a current worldwide concern and a fatal condition.

Improve muscle strength and endurance

People who engage in activities that require extra muscle strength such as athletes are encouraged to include the powder or tablets in their meals. This helps in relieving fatigue and improve the endurance of the body.

The oxidation process relieves the muscles of bad cholesterol present in the body. This in turn assists in the journey of weight loss leading to the development of a healthy body.

Heart friendly

As mentioned earlier, the algae help in the burning of excess cholesterol. This is beneficial to the heart as well. Helps the blood vessels clear improving the circulation of blood and leads to healthy heart muscles.

The elderly are encouraged to take this to improve their heart functioning and strength.

In conclusion, blue-green algae have a vast number of benefits to the body. However, it should be taken in measurable quantities as taking too much could have side effects. This includes nausea, constant headaches, insomnia, allergic reactions, and high body temperatures.

Taking 10 grams a day is considered effective for the body. This amounts to one to two teaspoons a day.